Fri, Sep 17
Title IX Focus Group
If you want to help make Hawaii’s college campuses safer and supportive of students, sign up TODAY! AAUW of Hawai'i wants to better understand what students need in regards to Title IX rules at UH and Title IX Hawaii state law. Sign Up: https://tinyurl.com/titleix-focusgroup-aauwhi
Time & Location
Sep 17, 2021, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM HST
About the event
On August 14th, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education’s new Title IX rules went into effect. AAUW of Hawaiʻi wants to better understand what students need in regards to Title IX rules and Title IX state law. If you want to help make your campus safer and supportive of students, SIGN UP TODAY by completing this form. THE PERKS: Participants will choose and receive a $10 gift card from Zippy’s or Starbucks or Amazon.com upon the completion of the focus group ELIGIBILITY: Must be 18 years or older Must be a registered undergraduate, graduate or professional student at any of the University of Hawaiʻi campuses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK FAQs
A focus group is a small group of people engaged in a roundtable discussion on a selected topic. The session is led by a trained moderator who will guide the discussion to effectively obtain the opinions of all participants. Focus groups provide a useful means of assessing attitudes and feelings on a specific topic. The participants will be grouped into zoom breakout groups of 5-8 students each so that everyone has a chance to contribute in the 2 hour session. Absolutely! Your input will be used for research purposes only and never tied back to you individually. Yes, the group will be both audio and video recorded. The recordings will be used internally at AAUW of Hawaiʻi and will not be released. Yes. It will be emailed to the participants. AAUW of Hawaiʻi also want input from you but separately from the input from the students. If possible, we would like to have gender-specific breakout groups to identify any gender-specific needs in regards to the Title IX rules and Title IX state law. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please contact us at if you have any questions. Hannah Liebreich, Ronja Steinbach, Younghee Overly (AAUW of Hawaiʻi Public Policy Committee) What is a Focus Group? How many students will be in each group? Will my statements be held confidential? Will the focus group be recorded? Will I be able to see the summary of the focus group discussion? Why are you asking if I am a Title IX coordinator or Title IX confidential advocate or an employee at UH System Title IX and The Office of Institutional Equity? Why are you asking for my pronoun? publicpolicy-hi@aauw.net