Star Advertiser | Nov 3, 2023
The settlement of the Campbell High girls’ softball Title IX law suit was good news for the girls in Hawaii. Important things to note: Title IX assures girls and women equal opportunities in education, not just sports but in academics. Because the law suit is brought by Campbell High, the relief is aimed at Campbell High, but all public schools that receive state and federal funds should pay attention and start taking recommended Title IX actions. Among the requirements of the settlement were a seven-year compliance plan and a hot line that students can use to anonymously report incidents that violate Title IX guidelines and protect students who speak up. Before that can be implemented, students and their parents need to know what rights they have, what guidelines exist, and whom to call. I was disappointed this important local story with national implications was covered by the New York Times and not by a local reporter who could talk to Hawaii’s DOE, BOE, HSTA, schools and complex officials. Sincerely, Amy Monk